Project | 01

Phase-change (liquid boiling) heat transfer of micro-nano structured surfaces
Conducted phase-change cooling experiment
Performed the high speed imaging to capture bubble dynamics
Successfully improved the heat transfer performance copper surfaces by growing CuO nanostructure through chemical oxidation
Performed automated data acquisition and data analysis to characterize the heating performance
Project | 02
Development of counter-flow microfluidic devices for thermal stability in microfluidic reactors
Designed, fabricated, and tested microfluidic thermal devices
Applied photolithography, silicon wet etching (KOH), wafer bonding, and inlet/outlet PDMS port attachment (Oxygen plasma bonding) for Glass/silicon devices
Applied rapid prototyping (xurography) for fabrication of Glass/Glass and Glass/Quartz microfluidic devices
Compared the thermal performance of direct-flow and counter-flow microfluidics at various flow rates
Achieved impressive thermal ramp rate (150 K/s) using counter-flow design
Proposed the counter-flow as a way to overcome the thermal instabilities in microfluidics

Project | 03

Design analysis and structural-electrical FEA of a 3D printed liquid metal strain sensor
Obtained the Hyperelastic material model (Mooney-Rivilin) model of the 3D printed material (TPU) from uniaxial tensile test
Simulated the Structural and Electrical performance of the sensor in COMSOL and validated the models against experimental results
Conducted a parametric study on geometrical aspects (substrate thickness, liquid metal channel cross section, channel pattern, ...) and material aspects of the sensor to provide a guideline for the highest sensitivity in such sensors
Project | 04
Automated Image processing of the high speed videos for extracting the bubble features
Developed an algorithm for finding the average departing bubble diameters in MATLAB and obtained the average bubble diameters for different heat fluxes
Developed an algorithm for counting the bubbles in each frame in MATLAB and obtained the average bubble diameters for different heat fluxes
Applied preprocessing including Gaussian smoothing, FFT for removing the fin background fins, Morphological (tophat, bottomhat) to enhance the foreground bubbles and attenuate the background
Applied Edging (Prewitt), binarization (Otsu method), Morphological operations (closing, opening, filling) and used Circular Hough Transform for detecting the circular bubbles and finding the diameters
Removed the false positives using the glowing bright spot of the bubbles as a corrector

Project | 05
Parametric study for optimization of a continuous flow thermoelectric sensor
A continuous-flow y-shaped microfluidic sensor was fabricated and modeled
for optimum performance -
Exothermic mixing of water and ethanol was modeled using a UDF in ANSYS Fluent to incorporate a nonuniform heat source detected by thermoelectric sensor
Simulation is validated for concentration and temperature against experimental data
Various ratio of water/ethanol and flow rates were simulated to find the optimum location
Guidelines are established for the sensor placement in these types of the devices